4 mantras to become a good Entrepreneur!!!

Every business sells one or the other stuff, but is every business solving a problem?
Isn’t this an interesting question?

There has always been a serious disconnect between “what a customer needs” & “what an entrepreneur wants to talk about”! People in the majority buy products based on how it makes them feel, what they can accomplish with it, or maybe a real problem it can solve.

Here are the 4 easy steps through which you can do so:

Give an end to OVER-SELLING: Being an entrepreneur, you may have multiple products but it’s not necessary that all those are under their requirement brackets. So, stop dumping your products on them.

Identify your customer & their problems/requirements: Get to know the vein of your customer. Know whether you can solve his/her problem being an entrepreneur or not. Then go for the next move.

Think from “their” shoes: The word “their” mentioned here refers to the customer indeed. You have to think from a customer’s point of view with respect to the necessity of your product.

Have a “brick-wall” reason, why should a customer go for your product? : This gives an extra boost to your conversation with customers.

In simple: What you’re selling isn’t a product. It’s a solution & this solution will do your sales
𝑨 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒍𝒅 𝒐𝒇 𝒈𝒐𝒐𝒅!

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